Author Archives: Kate Neff

Wyman Creates Better Lives, Better Leaders and Better Communities in D.C.

As one of the 68 partners in Wyman’s National Network, Sasha Bruce YouthWork offers our [...]

Students and Adults Describe the Teen Outreach Program (TOP) In One Word

Learn how Wyman’s Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) is Transforming Teens and Changing Communities in New [...]

TOP Helps Miami Schools Create Systems-Level Change

Planned Parenthood of South Florida and the Treasure Coast (PPSFTC) uses the Teen Outreach Program® [...]

Improving the Health and Well-being of Teens in Urban, Poverty Settings

Despite recent decreases in teen pregnancy rates, the Bronx has the highest teen pregnancy rates [...]

News: 2015 Gala Convenes Combined 260 Local Youth and Leadership on Saturday, March 14

Annual Event Highlights Teens Lives Changed by Wyman Programs St. Louis, MO [Feb. 10, 2015] [...]

Social-Emotional Learning, Why Now?

Huffington Post By Vicki Zakrzewski, Ph.D. Education Director, Greater Good Science Center (GGSC) Social-emotional learning [...]

News: Wyman Offers Implementation-Ready Teen Health Solutions for Office of Adolescent Health Grants

St. Louis, MO [Jan. 12, 2015] – The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) has announced [...]

U.S. News & World Report: Raising Students’ Emotional IQs

While many educators and policymakers are eyeing technology and revised standards to improve student performance [...]

New York Times – Playing Nicely With Others: Why Schools Teach Social Emotional Learning

Social emotional learning is what allows students to control their behavior, understand how their personal [...]

New York Times – In Fighting Teenage Pregnancy, the Folly of Shame and Blame

In the South Bronx, inside the International Community High School, Johnny, Brayan, Khady, Genesis and [...]