Funding Opportunities, Resources & Alignments
2023 TPP Funding Opportunity: Teen Outreach Program (TOP) Alignment
Partnering with Wyman
Wyman employs a comprehensive replication partnership framed in an implementation science approach that advances programs effectiveness through impactful training, monitoring, evaluation and coaching for quality program implementation
- Wyman’s intensive “Train the Trainer” model teaches partners how to deliver our programs with fidelity. It supports partner’s ability to develop deeper skills in training staff, monitoring and coaching for quality, and in overall strategies and approaches to delivering a high-quality, holistic Positive Youth Development (PYD) program.
- Annual Facilitator Institutes and Coordinator Learning Exchange opportunities deepen partners’ expertise and practice.
- Monthly e-newsletters share programmatic updates, tips, funding opportunities and partner spotlights.
Delivery & Evaluation
- The TOP Curriculum focuses on three core content areas that work together as protective factors, reducing the impact of risk and promoting positive youth development: skill building with book Building my Skills, developing a sense of self with book Learning about Myself, and making connections with book Connecting with Others.
- The proprietary data collection system, Wyman Connect, enables partners with the ability to easily monitor program progress, to generate instant reports that should be used for program evaluation and quality monitoring, grant writing, and other related purposes.
- Teen Pre and Post-Surveys, as well as access to reports to measure program impact.
Coaching for Quality
- Wyman’s National Network Team provides expert support and technical assistance via phone calls and webinars throughout the year, as well as audits and feedback of the program in-action if requested.
- Annual program reviews help partners identify and address issues quickly, and ensure continuous quality improvement at the point of program delivery.
- Replication partners are able to connect directly to Wyman representatives, and benefit by receiving updates to curriculum, share lessons learned and program delivery tips, access information on funding sources and other resources, and download a library of useful materials to support implementation.
- National Network partners are part of a community of practice through which they may interact with peers who are committed to delivering excellence. As a result, they learn from their participation in the National Network and are able to develop workable solutions to issues and challenges through their interaction with their peers across the country.
Case Studies and Resources
Deepening the focus on social and emotional learning in the Teen Outreach Program® influences staff practices and accelerates outcomes for youth
Wyman recently released a case study titled “Deepening the Teen Outreach Program Focus on Social and Emotional Learning (SEL): A Case Study of Curriculum and Training Revision and Early Impact.” The case study highlights perspectives from TOP partners about the impact of the revisions on teens, adults, and systems, along with our own internal learning about the curriculum and training revision process. The lessons learned and recommendations from the case study will be of interest to youth practitioners and partner organizations that currently implement TOP, as well as to the broader fields of child and youth development, social and emotional learning, curriculum and program development, evidence-based programming, and implementation science.
- Click here to download a copy of the case study.
- The Wyman case study is also available on the Susan Crown Exchange website as part of a package of three case studies on social and emotional learning available. You can access the package of 3 case studies here.
Social-emotional learning is a springboard for success.
In conjunction with Chicago’s Susan Crown Exchange (SCE), Wyman is pleased to announce the release of a one-of-a-kind field guide called Preparing Youth to Thrive: Promising Practices in Social and Emotional Learning. A product of collaboration between SCE, eight youth-focused programs across the nation, and the David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality, the piece sheds light on how afterschool programs can equip teens with valuable social and emotional skills.
- Visit this specialized social-emotional learning website to download a copy of the free field guide.
Collaborative learning drives improvements in practice.
Our 2016 resource titled, “Implementing the Teen Outreach Program with Special Populations: Lessons Learned from Seven Youth-Serving Organizations” has been created for organizations that are implementing, or interested in implementing TOP with young people in special circumstances.
The resource includes program profiles and implementation guidance based on the collective experiences of our network partners who are using TOP to address the needs of special populations of youth in a variety of settings.
- Click here to download a copy of the Special Populations Resource.