Letter from the ceo & board Chair
Dear Friends, Supporters, and Partners,
The teens and young adults we serve represent a powerful generation. Despite all they have faced – or, in some cases, because of all the challenges that have confronted them – they know they have the skills, knowledge, and spirit to make the world a better place…and they are determined to do so. We are committed to their power and possibility.
For two years, youth have been navigating disrupted education, isolation from family and friends, reduced access to resources and services, increased economic challenges, and shifting expectations for their futures. These challenges have impacted mental health, school engagement and performance, and postsecondary and career decisions.
Through all of this, the young people we serve have persevered and we have remained by their side supporting them as they grow and learn. We continue to be reminded that these young people, and the staff working at Wyman, are courageous, inspired, skilled, and always striving to succeed. They care about one another – reaching out to each other in hard times and cheering on each other’s successes.
The next several pages highlight Wyman’s work in 2021: the teens we served, the incredible community of support that surrounded our young people, and the powerful outcomes they are achieving in life, leadership, and education. Your investments have fostered relationships, connections, and belonging that create the foundation for success. In the words of one of our 2012 graduates:
“You don’t know what it was for you to just allow me to grow into me. You didn’t make me feel small. You made me feel responsible. You helped me to be accountable, but you let me be vulnerable too.”
The Latin root of the word consortium, “consort,” means to throw our fates together. Donors, board members, teens, families, and staff – all one consortium of individuals who are all seeking the powerful changes that impact us all.
Thank you for your partnership.
Claire Wyneken
President and CEO
Amy Berg
Board Chair
2021 Board of Trustees
David K. Rodgers, Outgoing Board Chair
Amy Berg, Vice Chair, Incoming Board Chair
Jacqueline Davis-Wellington, Secretary
Kristin Poole, Treasurer
Je’Von Adams-Walker
Kurt Berry
Marnae Chavers
Maureen Clancy-May
Charla Claypool
Donald G. Etling
Laura Giokas
Robyn Heidger
Lee C. Kling
Brad Kosem
Jenny Lenhard
John A. McHugh
David L. Morley
John S. Sandberg
Florian Sichling
Ashley Walker
Harvey Wallace
Pete Werner
Keat Wilkins
Scott Wittkop
Honorary & Emeritus Trustees
Warner L. Baxter
Frank C. Bick*
Ginger Crooks
Sidney H. Guller*
S. Lee Kling*
Carolyn Losos
Alva Moog*
James A. Saitz
Ray A. Scholin*
Curtis Simic
Peter A. Smith
Kenneth B. Steinback
Bill Voss
W. Jack Wichmann*
Isaac E. Young*
We Believe All Youth Deserve to Thrive

For 124 years, we have believed in and celebrated young people
and their leadership, energy, and determination.
Navigating adolescence can be challenging. During the transition from childhood to adulthood, youth face rapid physical, mental, emotional, and social changes.
By partnering with youth and our community, Wyman empowers teens, equips adults, and strengthens systems to create more equitable opportunities for all young people.
Our Mission, Values, & StrategyTeen Spotlight
JASON, 16 YEARS OLD Sophomore, McKinley Classical Leadership Academy
Meet Jason:
Jason’s first exposure to Wyman was in middle school when a Wyman Leaders coach came to speak about the program. “I was so interested in it; it really intrigued me.” These days he is thankful Wyman Leaders has been part of his high school journey and personal growth. “I was young before Wyman. I would say I was naive. I have my moments now, but I’ve grown a lot. Since getting involved in Wyman Leaders, I have become more creative and proactive about life and everything that comes with it.”
One of Jason’s favorite experiences with Wyman Leaders was engaging with his community through service. “It’s fun seeing other people smile. I think that’s one of the things that makes me really happy: knowing that I can make someone else happy.”
This past year, Jason had his first experience attending high school in-person after remote learning. He is thankful the transition back to the classroom went smoothly. “This has basically been my first year in ‘actual’ high school, and it’s going exceptionally. I thought it would be harder going in person, but it’s easier to collect and process things.”
After graduation, Jason’s goal is to focus on either basketball or architecture. “I really like seeing certain buildings, and the stories behind them fascinate me. Especially New York – they have great architecture. St. Louis does too, in some of the urban areas.”
Jason says his Wyman Leaders coaches impacted his perspective on how he will achieve success. “Wyman has changed my viewpoint on college. It’s not that I didn’t want to go before, I just wasn’t very interested. But after participating in virtual college tours and learning about what I want to do, I want to go even more. When I think about my future, the one thing I think about is success in what I want to do. Wyman has really helped me with that.”
When Jason speaks about Wyman, there is one word that continually comes up for him: family. “Wyman Leaders is an education program, but it’s more like a family. They have made it clear they’re going to be there with you for a long time. No matter what. The Wyman coaches are like your mentors. They know where you’re coming from, and they’re very open to listening to what you have to say. It’s something that you can’t put into words, but it’s so positive. It’s family.”
Our Commitment to Anti-Racism & Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Our mission calls for us to embrace and work for equity and inclusion. We are committed to providing a safe environment of acceptance, education, and inclusion for our young people and colleagues.
It is our responsibility to stand up, speak out, and take action. Our teens, colleagues, and community can expect:
A culture of accountability and visibility. We commit to advocating for equity, for anti-racism, against oppression in all forms, and against white supremacy.
A culture of trying. We will be uncomfortable and make mistakes, because if we are not uncomfortable, we are not doing enough.
A culture of learning. We commit to developing ourselves individually, and our organization, as anti-racist and anti-oppression. We will incorporate what we learn into our daily actions, as well as our programs and organizational work.
We acknowledge and honor the fundamental value and dignity of all persons.
We commit to an environment of diversity, equity, and inclusion. We are passionate about fostering an inclusive and equitable space that promotes and values diversity and belonging, where every teen and staff member can be confident bringing their whole self to Wyman and achieving their very best.
We commit to courageous conversations, personal development, social awareness, and fostering program spaces and an organizational culture that recognize systemic inequities and center the voices of the youth and communities we serve.
DEI at WymanThe Land We’re on
The land on which Wyman sits, and where our staff and young people live and work, is the ancestral land of the Wahzhazhe, or Osage. Many other tribes have lived on or utilized this land including the Ponca, Kaw/Kanza, Omaha, Cahokia, Kaskaskia, Tamaroa, Peoria, Shawnee, and Delaware. Their history, stories, and contributions deserve to be recognized and honored.
We acknowledge that we are on stolen land. We recognize that through acts of genocide, slavery, and exploitation of the Indigenous tribes who lived here, colonialist settlers systematically forced their way onto this land. The actions of Spanish, French, British and American settlers ultimately drove every one of these Indigenous tribes from Missouri by inciting infighting, withholding trade, and finally resorting to unfair treaties and abuse of annuity payments.
Indigenous people are still here and deserve visibility, appreciation, and support from our community.
Land Acknowledgment & Resources
Our Programs
Wyman partners with young people by providing experiences, opportunities, and resources to support and challenge them as they grow and learn.
Our programs include social, emotional, academic, and leadership skill building; postsecondary access and persistence support; community service learning; and positive connections with peers and adults. Wyman staff listen and give support and create a space for connection and empowerment. We challenge young people to be their best selves and make healthy decisions.
These experiences lead to positive, often life-long relationships with peers and supportive adults.
Wyman teens have strong connections to their community. They gain confidence in who they are and what they are capable of. They have successful educational experiences, careers, and lives.

Wyman Leaders supports young people in St. Louis to develop life and leadership skills, enter and complete college and career education programs, and create strong community connections. This 9-year program sees rising 9th graders Through high school and four years post-graduation. Participants are recruited from partner middle schools in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and Jefferson County.

Delivered in two local school districts by Wyman, and nationally by our net work of partners, the Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) empowers teens to develop social-emotional skills, build healthy relationships and community connections, develop a sense of purpose, and avoid risky behaviors. TOP promotes positive youth development through engaging curriculum, community service learning, and supportive relationships with adults. TOP is a 9-month program for 6th through 12th graders.

The Teen Connection Project™ (TCP™) is a 12-14 week program designed to improve peer relationships, social-emotional skills, school engagement , and well-being among high school youth. Between 2016 and 2020, over 400 young people participated in TCP delivered locally by Wyman and nationally by partners. In 2021, TCP expanded to 5 new Missouri sites through a grant from Missouri Foundation for Health.

Both TOP and TCP have received the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and
Emotional Learning’s (CASEL) highest designation for high-quality social emotional learning (SEL) programming. TOP and TCP meet CASEL’s SELect designation and are included in the CASEL Guide to Effective Social and Emotional Learning Programs.
More information on our programs and 2021 outcomes can be found at: https://wymancenter.org/programs

A Local Organization with a National Impact
National Network
Wyman is a St. Louis organization with a national reach. We partner with organizations around the country, training adults to provide our nationally recognized programs to young people in their communities. Wyman’s National Network supports partners to replicate two evidence-based programs – the Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) and the Teen Connection Project™ (TCP)™. We also build their teams’ skills and competencies in working with teens through a suite of high quality, multi-disciplinary trainings. During 2020-2021, the National Network trained 360 adults during 14 trainings. In 2021, the powerful group of professionals from our 72 nationwide partners helped more than 23,500 young people across the country thrive.

Wrap Around Services
At Wyman, we know systems that support young people work best when they align and coordinate to increase equitable access for all youth. In partnership with school districts, Wyman’s Wrap Around Services team coordinates systems across providers, facilitates trainings on youth development and social-emotional supports, and aligns policies and procedures to sustain positive change. The 2021-2022 school year marked our fourth year at the School District of University City.


As a youth serving organization, we are called to work and advocate for equitable systems, fair policies, and humane practices across all systems in which our young people interact and engage. In 2021, Wyman prioritized its advocacy work by by creating our Advocacy department. This team is establishing Wyman’s Advocacy Framework, which centers around three strategies:
- Establishing a Youth Leadership Council to create authentic youth-adult partnerships to affect internal and external change.
- Engaging in Direct advocacy on mission-aligned issues.
- Cultivating strategic partnerships with values coalitions. At Wyman, we are proud to advocate with and for young people on the policies and systems that affect their education, careers, and lives.
Systemic inequities in our society create barriers for the teens we serve. We have a responsibility to influence, support, and strengthen youth-serving systems, and to advocate with partners and coalitions for better policies. We are proud to partner with young people as they prepare to lead and make change in matters that impact their lives and futures.

In 2021, a pilot plan for the Youth Leadership Council was established, and in Spring 2022 the Council was launched with 5 young people who are passionate about sharing ideas, creating solutions, and putting those solutions into action with the support of Wyman, their peers, and community stakeholders. We are excited to continue the roll out of the pilot over the next two years.
Thank you to our 2021 Donors
Abby Allen
Carole & Arnie Allen
Marci Allen
Amazon Smile
American Direct Marketing Resources, LLC
American Family Insurance Dreams Foundation
American Family Insurance, Sedlak & Associates LLC
America’s Charities
Mari-Anne Messman Antweiler
Barbara Archer
Ken Archibald
Richard Archibald
Patrick Arnall & Tommye Fleming
Kathy & Joe AuBuchon
Andrea Bachmann
Jack & Anne Bader
Cathy Bailey
Melissa Bailey
Christian Banks
Emily Bardon
Mark Barlow & Paul Evensen*
Debbie Barstow
Amy Berg & Kurt Russell
Berges Family Foundation
Karen Bernstein
Kurt & Kathy Berry
Blues for Kids Foundation
The Boeing Company
Maureen Borkowski
Jennifer Boulay
Thomas & Catherine Boxleiter
Kelly Brennan
Bridgeton Kiwanis
Polly Brown
Brown Smith Wallace LLC
Shirley Browne
Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP
Kevin Buehler
James & Diane Butler
Caleres, Inc.
Jennifer A. Caron
Lorien Carter
CBIZ Benefits & Insurance Services Inc.
Christine Cesare
Janine & Mark Chambers
Allie Chang Ray
City of St. Louis Department of Public Safety
Maureen Clancy-May
Clemence S. Lieber Foundation Inc.
Clifford Willard Gaylord Foundation
Susan Collins
Commerce Trust Company
Amy & Jeff Counts
Thomas Cowan
The Crawford Taylor Foundation
Teena Crotty
Ron D’Aloia & David Mundy
Mark Daspit
Jacqueline Davis-Wellington & Vernon Wellington
Liz Deichmann
Delta Dental of Missouri
Don & Janice Denham
F. R. Dierberg
Garrett & Linda Doak
Keith Dodel
The Dohrman Family
Jane Donahue
Michael & Diane Doster
Larry & Mary Carol Doyle
Michael Doyle
Elaine L. Dubail
Matt Dunavant
E. Reuben & Gladys Flora Grant Charitable Trust
Beth & Martin Eckelkamp
Paul Eckler
Marci Eisen
Ken Elliott
Employees Community Fund of Boeing St. Louis
Christin Engelhardt
Barbara Enneking & Henry Puch
Enterprise Bank & Trust
Don & Nancy Etling
John Fair
Connie Farrow
Jill Feldman & Trey Sawyer
Kelly Ferrara
Marsha & Edward Fetchik
Deanna Finch
Melissa Findley
Florence Heiman Charitable Foundation
Donor is a member of the Frank Wyman Society, which honors donors who give $1,000 or more annually, demonstrating their commitment to and support of Wyman’s mission, programs, and teens.
Donor is a member of the Dillon Circle, which recognizes individuals who have displayed their continued commitment to Wyman’s mission, programs, and teens by giving for 3 or more consecutive years.
Florissant Valley Kiwanis Club
Zach & Janie Foster
Lori Fowler
David Frey
David & Paula Friedman
Katherine Fritz
Alexander Fruth
Donell Gaertner
John & Ellen Galanis
Tori Gale
Anthony Garavaglia
Michael & Mary Gebauer
Gene Del Printing
General Mills Foundation
Mary Joan Gilmour
Laura & Jonathan Giokas
Josh Goldman
Erica Golliday
Carolyn Gordon
Melissa Gordon
Gordon Family Charitable Fund
Hardina W. Graham
Jon Grander
Karen & Dino Grasso
Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation
Lisa Green
Greer Foundation
Darin Groll
Sheila Gudiswitz
Judy & Bob Gustafson
Kathryn A. Halverson
Michael & Rho Ann Hanes
Ametra Harris
Carl & Ellen Harshman
Matthew H. Harvey
Brian & Tanya Hayden
Robert Heideman
Robyn Heidger
Helena & Orlie Wilkening Fund of the
St. Louis Community Foundation
Ellen & Mike Hiatt
Brandi Higgins
HighTower Wealth Advisors
Dave & Tina Hilliard
Nicholas Hilliard & Virginia Lacy
Carl Hoagland & Joan Bray
Jeffrey & Susan Hochman
Thomas & Karleen Hoerr
Olivia Holzum
Kendrick Hooks
Chris Hotard
Scott Iverson
J.P. Morgan Chase
Christine Jackson
Carl & Anne Jason, Sr.
Jefferson Foundation
Kristine Jensen
Sara John
John Allan Love Charitable Foundation
Deborah Johnson
Adella Jones & Reginald Williams
Karen Kalish, Estelle W. & Karen S. Kalish Fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation
Lee & Peggy Kaplan
Sarah Keifer & Jeff Bloese
Jerri L. Kennedy
Kenneth & Marilyn Steinback Family Foundation of the St. Louis Community Foundation
Shahrdad Khodamoradi
Serena King
Brenda Kingen & Helen Kurtin
Kitchen House Coffee LLC
Kiwanis Club of Hampton Midtown
Kiwanis Club of Meramec Valley Community
Allan B. Kling
Lee C. Kling
Rosie Kling
The Kling Family
Dr. Susan Kohl & Judge Rosemary Denson (ret’d)
Brad Kosem
Ellen Kunkelmann
Tedd A. Kuzelka
Jim Lally
Laura Lambrix
Sharon L. LaRue
Heather Lasher Todd
Richard & Julie Ledbetter
Jourdin LeGard-Jenkins
Jenny Lenhard & Tim Sharpe
Harlan J. Levin
Jeanne Lewi
Lawrence Libera & Corinne Husten
Light A Single Candle Foundation
Terri & Bill Linek
Josie Littlepage
Kyle & Heather Lopez
Carolyn Losos

David Luckes
Jo Ann & Rene Lusser
Thomas Luther
Thomas & Amy Mackowiak
Darci Madden
Mark Mager
Margaret V. Maier
Victor Main
Virgil Marti, Jr.
Martin Collins Memorial Fund of the St. Louis Community Foundation
Mary R. Wolff Real Estate Management Co.
The Mary Ranken Jordan & Ettie A. Jordan Charitable Foundation
McCarthy Building Companies Inc.
John McDonnell
Josh McKean
Savita McLaughlin
David McMahon
Emily & Joshua McNew
William & Mary Lou Mellish
Mercy Health Foundation
Ann Messina
Jason Meyer
Mid-America Fire & Safety, LLC
Midwest BankCentre
Peter & Joyce Mihelich
Troy Miles
Brett & Abbie Millecker
Erin Miller
J. K. Miller
Joe Miller & Sonny Buttar
Girish Mirchandani
Missouri Foundation for Health
Missouri Scholarship & Loan Foundation
Missouri State University
Ryan & Dena Molen
Monticello College Foundation
Dave & Cheryl Morley
Mike & Kathy Morris
James & Christine Mudd
Thomas & Janet Mug
Anthony & Kate Muhlenkamp
Bernard Muhlenkamp
Pam Muhlenkamp
Brian Murphy
Lillian Murphy
Timothy Murrell
Nancy & Kevin Murray
Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
Kate & Eric Neff
Peter Neidorff
Network for Good
Michael & Rebecca Niemiec
Daniel & Martha Nix
Lisa Nolan
Norman J. Stupp Foundation – Commerce Trust Company, Trustee
Allyn O’Byrne
Linda O’Connor
Norm & Lynn Obermoeller
Bre Orcasitas
Dale Overton
Charles Pardee & Gregory Baker
Sharon Parker & Robert Swarm
Cheryl Parrish
Paypal Charitable Giving Fund
Mary J. Peal
Tad Pease
Nancy C. Peterson
Pettus Foundation
Pfizer Inc.
Tom Pickel
Heather Picker
David Piston
Pledgeling Foundation
David & Julie Pole
Kristin Poole
Erin B. Posey
Judy & David Postma
Pott Foundation
Allison Price
Productive Living Board
Tre Pryor
Emily R. Pulitzer
Elizabeth Rainbolt
Kristine Raterman & Joe Dorlac
Richard Raterman
Ryan & Jerilyn Reed
Charles & Deborah Rehm
Gabriel Rhoads
Cheryl Riley & Jim Cooper
Robert J. Lieber Charitable Trust
Michael & Ann Rocha
David Rodgers & Paul Whitsitt
Donald W. Roe
Ryan Roe
Patrick P. Rohrkaste
Francis & Donna Rybak
Jenny & Mark Sadow
Ciara Samana
John Sandberg & Celeste Vossmeyer
Marc Sandberg
Rebecca Satellite

Susan & Chris Schoemehl
Mary Schoolman
Michael & Eileen Schultz
Sue Schultz
Mike Sedlak
Janice & Stephen Seele
Sense Corp
Audrey Shanfeld
Amy Shaw
Catherine Shaw Connely
Deborah Sheperis & Cary Colman
Ed Shew
Jennifer Shore
Florian Sichling & Jane Deronne
The Sidener Foundation
Amy & Brian Sims
Clif & Gail Smart
Sarah Smith
Laura Sneeringer
Kristin Sobolik
Christina J. Sojourner Gardner
Brent St. John
St. Louis Christmas Carols Association
St. Louis County Children’s Service Fund
St. Louis Philanthropic Organization, Inc.
The Staenberg Group
Sarah Stephenson
Bill & Laurie Stern
Patricia & James Stevens
Steward Family Foundation
Suez WTS Employee Giving Campaign
Craig & Amy Sumner
Todd Swanstrom
Eric Sweiven
Kelly Taylor
Shannon H. Terrill
Diane Thompson
Paul Thompson
Nicki & Chris Thomson
Tilles Foundation
TisBest Philanthropy
The TJX Foundation Inc.
Tom Shaw Realtors
Ken Treadway
Trio Foundation of St. Louis
Tromblee Family Foundation
Jane Tschudy
Beverly & Alan Turken
United Way Metro Chicago
United Way of Greater St. Louis
United Way of Southern Nevada
University of Missouri-St. Louis
US Bancorp Foundation
Joe & Laura Valenti
Ray & Laurie Van de Riet
Aaron & Brooke Van Groningen
Patricia Van Tuinen
Mike & Susan Vasquez
Aislinn Vaughan
Vernier Sales & Service
Andrew & Caroline Walker
Harvey Wallace & Madeleine Elkins
Joe Wallach
Cherelle Washington
Danielle Washington
Denise Washington
Donald Waterlander
Webster Groves Lions
Stephen & Kathy Weissler
Eugene Werner
Gerard Werner
Linda & Pete Werner
Mark Werner
Jack Wichmann*
William R. Orthwein, Jr. & Laura Rand Orthwein Foundation
Allison & Kevin Williams
David Wilmot
DeVonne Wilson
Kathleen Witek
Scott & Carolyn Wittkop
Brian Wyneken
Claire Wyneken & Patrice Crotty
Matthew Wyneken & Kristina Hansen
Marilyn Young
Roger Young & Deborah Wenkert
Vincent & Dawn Zagarri
Stuart & Susan Zimmerman
Doug Zschiegner
Margaret Zubler
Certain project costs have been
underwritten by the Missouri
Dept. of Economic Development’s
Youth Opportunities Program and
Neighborhood Assistance Program.
1898 Society
Wyman honors the legacy of our supporters who have made a planned gift through our 1898 Society. We thank you for your partnership, generosity, anc commitment.
if you are interested in making a planned gift to Wyman, please contact Kristine Raterman at 636.549.1235, or make your will and estate plans today with FreeWill.
James and Diane Butler
Joseph Dorlac
Michael and Diane Doster
Don and Nancy Etling
Tom and Pegi Etzkorn
Dave and Tina Hilliard-
Shante Lampley
Bernard J. Muhlenkamp
Sohiar Rader
Bill and Mindy Ruttledge
James and Barbara Saitz
John Sandberg and Celeste Vossmeyer
Bill and Deborah Voss
Keat and Debbie Wilkins
In Memory & Honor
In memory of Arthur and Bernadine Zeis
Kathy and Joe AuBuchon
In memory of Betty Ann Ferguson
Hardina W. Graham
In memory of Betty Ann Gilbert
Kiwanis Club of Hampton Midtown
In memory of Charles A. Bartke
Nancy and Kevin Murray
In memory of Hilda Caywood
David Frey
In memory of Isaac Young
Tromblee Family Foundation
In memory of Jack Wichmann
Claire Wyneken and Patrice Crotty
In Memory of Kathleen Raterman
Richard Raterman
In memory of Kenneth Lewi
Dr. Susan Kohl & Judge Rosemary Denson (ret’d)
In memory of Martin Bailey
Melissa Bailey
In memory of Monica L. Neidorff
Peter Neidorff
In memory of Patricia Price-Cornelsen
Janine and Mark Chambers
Michael and Mary Gebauer
Kathryn A. Halverson
Christine Jackson
Kristine Jensen
Harlan J. Levin
Jo Ann and Rene Lusser
Margaret V. Maier
Ann Messina
Daniel and Martha Nix
Linda O’Connor
Sue Schultz
Brent St. John
Beverly and Alan Turken
David Wilmot
In memory of Paul Evensen
Liz Deichmann
The Dohrman Family
Marsha and Edward Fetchik
Katherine Fritz
John and Ellen Galanis
Mary Joan Gilmour
Carolyn Gordon
Ellen and Mike Hiatt
Dave and Tina Hilliard
Jerri L. Kennedy
Darci Madden
Victor Main
William and Mary Lou Mellish
Lillian Murphy
Allyn O’Byrne
Charles Pardee and Gregory Baker
David Piston
Todd Swanstrom
Claire Wyneken and Patrice Crotty
In memory of Rita Werner
Mary Schoolman
In memory of Virgil Marti, Sr. and Shirley Marti
Virgil Marti, Jr.
In honor of Brett and Abbie Millecker
Robert Heideman
In honor of Claire Wyneken and her extraordinary staff
Cheryl Riley and Jim Cooper
In honor of Dave and Nate Hilliard
Nicholas Hilliard and Virginia Lacy
In honor of David Frey
Tad Pease
In honor of Doug Archibald
Ken Archibald
Richard Archibald
Shirley Browne
Thomas Luther
Dale Overton
Shannon H. Terrill
Diane Thompson
Paul Thompson
Ken Treadway
In honor of Joe Dorlac
Ciara Samana
In honor of John McHugh
Janice and Stephen Seele
In honor of Jon Sobel
Girish Mirchandani
In honor of Laura Giokas
Christine Cesare
In honor of Lesa Steward
Steward Family Foundation
In honor of Michael Reiser
Laura Lambrix
Sharon L. LaRue
In honor of Steve Doss
John Sandberg and Celeste Vossmeyer

2021 financials
2021 sources of revenue

2021 Expenses