Local organization with a national impact
Wyman is a St. Louis-based organization with a national reach. Through our National Network, we partner with organizations and schools around the country providing training and replication guidance so those partners can deliver Wyman’s nationally recognized programs to young people in their own communities.
The National Network offers two evidence-based programs for replication – the Teen Outreach Program® (TOP®) and the Teen Connection Project® (TCP®) – as well as a suite of high quality, multi-disciplinary professional development trainings designed to support all adults working with adolescents.
The National Network instituted a refreshed business model in 2020, designed to increase access to trainings and programs to more organizations and, in turn, more youth. Adjustments were made to trainings, programs, and ways of providing on-going support to address the ever-changing needs of our partners and young people.
Through our trainings, our partners gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to deliver programming and help nearly 30,000 young people annually across the nation to thrive.
Our National Network has over 70 replication partners across the country. To view our partners, click here.
For more information or to become a partner, contact Tori Gale, Senior Director, Partnership Services.
What is the Teen Outreach Program (TOP)?
TOP is...
Focused on building social-emotional skills, developing a positive sense of self, and making a difference in the community.

TOP serves...
Young people from 6th-12th grades and is a 9-month program that can be customized to fit the needs of all teens.

National Network TOP youth consistently show...
- Improved social-emotional skills
- Decreased academic risk behavior
- High levels of sense of belonging and feeling cared for and supported by their facilitators
- Overall high program satisfaction ratings
During the 2021-2022 program year, TOP teens completed over 153,000 hours of community service learning in their communities. They developed important social-emotional skills – including communication, empathy, problem solving, and goal setting – and they felt physically and emotionally safe in TOP.

What is the Teen Connection Project (TCP)?
TCP is...
A highly interactive program for teens focused on connections, building critical social emotional skills, and teens well-being.

TCP serves...
High school aged teens and is a 12-14 week program.

TCP teens report...
- Higher quality peer relationships
- Higher academic engagement
- Greater use of social coping strategies
- Improved well-being
Recent TCP implementation survey data show that TCP teens created positive peer relationships, felt engaged and a sense of belonging in school, and reported positive health and well-being, including hopefulness about the future. They developed important social-emotional skills – like communication, empathy, and self-effficacy – and felt physically and emotionally safe in TCP.

Interested in replicating TOP or TCP in your community?
View our resources
Partner Spotlights
Learn about our partner, the University of Arkansas for Medical Services
Learn about our partner, Sasha Bruce Youthwork
Bullying: Becoming an Upstander at Campesinos Sin Fronteras
what do our partners say about wyman?
The National Network provides partners with a strong, supportive and connected community of like minded and passionate professionals engaged in similar work and facing similar challenges. Wyman always strives to provide partners with the most current, research-based information and resources.
Community Youth Concepts has been a partner of Wyman for a number of years. We’ve been so thankful for all of the support, encouragement, and ideas that have sparked along the way. We’re better as an organization because of the collaboration that has happened with Wyman.
Being a partner with Wyman has been very beneficial to the youth in the communities that we serve…We are preparing them for adulthood and equipping them with the tools they need to practice self-control, set goals, how to stay healthy and have healthy relationships through decisions they make.
[We] have been working with TOP for over 8 years through ADHS and in 2021 became a partner with Wyman. We have been delighted with the support and guidance we have received from Wyman staff. We have had to request technical assistance in the past and all of our requests have been solved promptly. We participated in the TOT training and it was an amazing educational experience for us. We are extremely grateful!!
I have been trained in and implemented a lot of different intervention programs over the years. TOP is by far my absolute favorite and I don’t intend on ever using anything else especially for the near future. The online training was awesome and now I compare all of my other online trainings to my TOP training.
In the beginning of TCP, I was afraid to say anything because I was scared to share some things with our group. My experience helped me a lot because now I feel more open about talking about more subjects.
What I noticed from the teens, from a social-emotional perspective, was that TCP encouraged the teens to be true to their emotions, gave them tools and strategies to make connections, and made them feel a little less isolated. TCP offered many of these teens a safe space to express themselves when nobody else will listen to them. Seeing the teens smile and excitement when sharing with former strangers turned friends, was the most memorable experience of delivering TCP.
TOP is a safe place for everyone. We want to hear everyone’s voice; we take our time to learn from you and to let you know we care for you as a whole group. Get out of your comfort zone and show us what you’re capable of.