Wyman’s Teen Connection Project (TCP): Summary of Results
Wyman’s Teen Connection Project (TCP) was developed through a 3-year research-practice partnership between Wyman and Dr. Joe Allen, Director of the Adolescent Research Group at the University of Virginia. From 2016-2019, Wyman implemented TCP at four St. Louis area high schools, and the Adolescent Research Group conducted a rigorous randomized control study to determine the program’s effects.
Study Details & Key Findings
A total of 610 youth participated in the study1, with 322 receiving TCP and 288 serving as controls. All participants completed a pre-survey, a post-survey immediately following the program, and a follow-up survey four months after the program. The study showed positive results: Immediately following the program, teens who experienced TCP reported significantly increased quality of peer relationships compared to teens assigned to the control group. By the 4-month follow-up, TCP teens also showed higher levels of using social support to cope, increased school engagement and lower levels of depressive symptoms.
National Replication & Evaluation
Wyman piloted the national replication of TCP with five National Network partners in Fall 2019 with a total of 86 teens. Evaluation results were consistent with the original research findings with teens reporting improvements in peer relationships, social coping, school belonging, and SEL skills including empathy, communication, self-efficacy, and hopefulness. Teens also reported a high level of satisfaction with the program. To date, TCP has been replicated in 7 states reaching over 500 teens with high quality programming that has promoted strong, positive outcomes and program satisfaction.
Evidence-Based Recognitions
TCP research and implementation materials have been reviewed by multiple organizations. View all the evidence-based recognitions for TCP here.
1Allen, J.P., Narr, R.K., Nagel, A.G., Costello, M.A., & Guskin, K. (2020). The Connection Project: Changing the peer environment to improve outcomes for marginalized adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579419001731.