Connections. Building Skills. Well-Being.
TCP showed me what real connections can look like, and that was the best part. – B.P., TCP participant
Wyman’s Teen Connection Project® (TCP®) is a highly interactive program for high school students focused on:
Teens develop authentic relationships with peers and adults, and apply new relationship skills at home, at school, and within their communities.
Building Skills.
Teens build critical social-emotional skills, like communication and empathy, that supports the development of positive connections with others.
Teens feel well, physically and emotionally, and express hopefulness about the future.
What is TCP?
TCP is…
TCP is a nationally-recognized, evidence-based, highly interactive program that builds strong connections with others through 12 curriculum lessons led by a trained, caring facilitator. Lessons focus on communication, trust, vulnerability, giving and getting support, and exploring personal strengths. Teens learn to interact, share, and create and maintain supportive social connections, fostering greater feelings of overall well-being.
TCP is a 12-14 week program for 9th through 12th graders.
Annually, Wyman directly serves more than 100 teens attending University City High School; and more than 300 teens in the St. Louis region and nationally participate in TCP each year.
Why do so many national and local partners choose TCP?
Because it works.
Teens leave TCP with new skills they apply to relationships outside of the program. External research on TCP has shown:

Higher quality peer relationships

Higher academic engagement

Greater use of social coping strategies

Improved well-being

Bring TCP to your community
Visit our National Network page or contact Tori Gale (314.712.2368) for information on how you can become a partner!
More about TCP
Find out what our TCP teens are up to!
TCP U City Newsletter Spring 2024
TCP is supported by evidence from a rigorous evaluation conducted by UVA, published in the journal Development and Psychopathology. The study showed that TCP participation resulted in significant improvements in peer relationships, academic engagement, and use of social support to cope with stress, as well as lower levels of depressive symptoms. Read the full study here.
Check out this guest blog we wrote for the Susan Crown Exchange, discussing the importance of connections and how programs like the Teen Connection Project can help develop healthy connections and increase social coping and academic engagement.
View our TCP Logic Model.
TCP has received CASEL’s highest designation for high-quality SEL programming.
TCP has been recognized as a Promising Program by Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development.