Make a donation to Wyman through your Donor Advised Fund
Making a donation to Wyman through your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is easier than ever! You can make your gift in one of two ways.
Use the donation form on this page to make your DAF gift online via our partner, The Giving Block.
Request and Send a Check
Request a check from your DAF to be sent directly to Wyman:
ATTN: Donor Engagement
600 Kiwanis Dr.
Eureka, MO 63025
If you have any questions or need additional information, please reach out to our Donor Engagement team.
Kristine Raterman, Kristine.Raterman@wymancenter.org or 636.549.1235 or
Hannah Branson, Hannah.Branson@wymancenter.org, or 314.835.7638